NAIC Codes

National Association of Insurance Commissioners

(NAIC) Codes:


Agency Insurance Company - 35173

AIG Agency Auto - 44138

Allied Insurance Company - 42587

American Collectors - 10111

Bristol West Insurance Group - 19658

Cumberland Insurance Group - 10448

Farmers Fire Insurance Company - 11061

Farmers Insurance Group - 10806

Foremost Insurance Group - 01332

Friends Cove Mutual Insurance Company - 17175

GMAC Insurance Company - 22772

Hagerty Insurance Company - 37915

Harleysville Insurance Company (Commercial) - 14168

Harleysville Pennland Insurance Company - 40983

Harleysville Preferred Insurance Company - 35696

Houston General Insurance Company - 11988

Leader Insurance Company - 11738

Lebanon Valley Insurance Company - 14370

Mercury Insurance Group - 11202

MetLife Auto and Home - 40169

Old Dominion Insurance Company - 40231 

One Beacon Insurance Company - 21970

Philadelphia Insurance Company - 23850

Progressive Insurance Company (Personal) - 24260

Progressive Insurance Company (Commercial) - 38628

Rockingham Group - 42595

Safeco Insurance Company - 11215

Travelers Insurance Company - 27998


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201 Corbet Street, Suite 3
Tarentum PA 15084
Phone: 724.224.0550
Fax: 724.224.2371


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Progressive Auth Agent